We brainstormed a variety of intervention types, considering the effectiveness of various intervention techniques.
Using our research to inform our thinking, we had a series of fast paced idea generation sessions, pitching our ideas within the studio for critique. These exercises helped to expand our thinking to more speculative concepts. We took forward the idea of mass seed planting, building a body of research around this topic in relation to our target user.
Our initial idea was a seed fight resembling a paint balling experience but with the purpose of mass planting wild flower seeds in a dedicated suburban green space.
We pitched this idea to parents who had concerns over safety of seed pellets and negative associations with the use of guns. The idea developed to a resemble a water balloon fight, removing the gun element.
This idea combines education and incentivisation techniques. As John Tutton described, the educational element would be ‘under the radar’ and incentivised through the gameification of the seed planting activity, creating an appealing, competitive event. For over protective parents, marketing the event educationally, as a school trip creates a credible and familiar situation for which they’re more likely to consent to their adolescent participating.
We worked as a group on this brief remotely and in the studio. This way of working was successful, enabling us to ideate and develop strands of the project individually so that our final concept was well researched.