festival background


Branding suggestions for ‘Water Bloom’, our user centred concept aiming to create a memorable experience for adolescents. Followed by a review of Green Space, Dark Skies festival.

Water Bloom Branding

water bloom infographic
Sample info graphics designed by Josie Field that would be given to participants and schools
water bloom event bus
Mock up of the event bus that would transport participants between school and the Water Bloom location

Festival Reel

team with exhibition poster
Team photo with our interactive poster
Reel of Green Space, Dark Skies Festival

Interactive Poster

AR water bloom poster

See for yourself, scan the QR code.


We worked well as a team, developing a rich idea with a strong base of research, supporting the concept both logistically and theoretically with the user’s needs at the centre. As a group, we created the pitch deck and interactive poster to a professional standard, addressing feedback to refine the idea both visually and conceptually.

I focused on much of the theoretical research, taking lead on the user profiling and collection of scientific research to evidence the suitability and need for an intervention like Water Bloom to help adolescents connect within nature. I also organised and conducted the interview with John Tutton. Gaining insights from a professional working with our target user group, within the context we were exploring, was highly valuable in guiding our choice of intervention technique. Having a significant part in user considerations, vastly developed by understanding of the need to work closely with and appreciate the value of participatory design when developing solutions for specific user groups. Organising the primary research led me to consider the viability and difficulty of sourcing insight from a user group of under 18s within this project time frame, as well as providing me with the experience of writing an ethics form.

My presentation skills significantly improved during this project, through opportunities to present in various settings. This is the first time I’ve felt confident presenting in person, taking time to explain each point as I’d practised. Surprisingly, I found that I could largely use the slides as talking cues. I believe this skill will be invaluable for the future.

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