wall with wildflowers

The Poster

As part of Green Space Dark Skies festival series, we developed an interactive exhibition poster relating to our ‘Water Blooms’ concept using AR (Augmented Reality).

2D Poster Concepts

Seed illustration

We began by designing the base image. I illustrated wild flower seeds local to Dorset based on the Water Bloom branding.

Motion Test

I tested ideas for the AR effect rapidly, creating short sketched gifs. The concepts surrounded an explosion or growth of wild flowers in response to a user clicking a virtual button on a particular part of the poster.

click me! seed gif
Click Me! Exploding seed gif

AR Test

AR zapworks test

We discussed which AR platform to use for our poster, choosing Zapworks over Artvive. In this instance, we decided that festival attendees would not be intending to interact with the AR exhibition beforehand and therefore would be unlikely to have the Artvive app downloaded already or be willing to do so without wi-fi connection. We each experimented with Zapworks, creating a basic responsive scene change with 3D elements.

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